You want to book the cheapest flight from Lisbon to Johannesburg. The way to make sure that you book a cheap flight to Johannesburg from Lisbon:
typing your travel details into the flight price comparison and bookings engine on the left and see what airfare it spits out
check the airfare of every airline operating flights from Lisbon to Johannesburg (links to their online flight reservation systems listed below)
Emirates (from 1 July 2012) |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop (16h25m) |
Lisbon Heathrow Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop (15h40m) |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop (14h20m) |
Iberia suspends flights to Johannesburg from 1 May 2012 |
Lisbon Airport (LHR) to |
1-stop (18h05m) |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
non-stop (10h35m) |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) to |
1-stop (17h10m) |
1 May 2012 |
Iberia Airlines suspends its flights to Johannesburg. |
20 Jan 2011 |
TAP Portugal announces that from June 2011, it's Lisbon-Johannesburg flights will be via Maputo (in cooperation with LAM). |
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