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South African Airways flights to Johannesburg

SAA flights to Johannesburg are rated 4.7/5 based on 7 reviews

South African Airways (IATA code SA) is the biggest airline at the biggest hub in the southern hemisphere - Johannesburg's OR Tambo International Airport (JNB). It operates many flights to Joburg from most destinations in the world. To book a cheap flight to Johannesburg (JNB) with South African Airways, use the flight price comparison tool on the left to contrast SAA airfares to Joburg, and then make a reservation on the cheapest flight.


Scared of Flying

2014-01-28 : Rating 5/5 : "I have always been a bit scared of flying, don't really know why since it is the safest way to travel! My last flight experience was on an SAA flight from Lagos to Johannesburg in business class! :-) Wow, absolutely loved it! The service was good, the food delicious and just the all round experience was enjoyable! In fact so enjoyable that I completely forgot about my fear of flying and slept all the way like a baby! :-) I am due to fly to Lagos again soon on SAA and now I am actually looking forward to the experience." Written by

Friendly Kruger Crew

2014-01-15 : Rating 5/5 : Our flight was on September 2nd 2013. The flight from OR Tambo took off on time and we landed at Kruger International 50 minutes later. The crew were friendly and efficient and in the short flight time managed to serve us snacks and drinks, making the whole flight a relaxing and pleasurable experience. A far better way of getting to Kruger than a long drive from Joburg after 2 long flights from England. Written by

Festive Crew, Lousy Movies

2014-01-05 : Rating 5/5 : Our journey began in Christchurch, where we caught an Air New Zealand flight to Auckland, and then another Air New Zealand flight to Perth. In Perth we had a 6 hour layover before our SAA flight to OR Tambo International Airport. Our 9-year-old struggled with motion sickness, but the other 3 kids enjoyed the trip. After landing a very friendly Qantas ground staff lady escorted us to the international transit area. This unfortunately meant that we couldn't meet our friend who had come to the airport to see us off; but a few of us managed to negotiate to go through customs and meet him (the ones with Australian visas). After the Qantas lady had taken the boys through to the international transit area, she followed up on those of us who had gone to visit our friend, and had printed out our boarding passes. Ten out of ten to her. Both myself and my husband, who had passed through security an hour apart, were checked for bombs - our baggage and our person. The lady at security said it was a random check. Perth Airport is a lot smaller than Cape Town Airport, and doesn't have a lot of shops...don't wait for Perth to get your gifts. There is one duty free shop, 3 eating shops, a magazine/books shop and a souvenir shop with Aussie items. Outside the toilets there was a drinking fountain, which we made use of. The airport did have free internet with 3 computers to use after you'd cleared through security on the way to travel out. We were travelling on the 31st December, and we went to the computers and quickly wished everybody happy new year on Facebook. The kids were sleeping on the benches in the airport, exhausted from so much travel. Our plane departed at midnight, so we saw the fireworks as the plane departed as the clock moved into the 1st January 2014, and Perth celebrated the arrival of the new year. The cabin staff ran through the plane blowing vuvuzelas, horns and hooters, and had little caps on their heads. We were offered fish or vegetables, and some of us were offered meat (depending on whether they'd run out). The fish was terrible - cold & the rice was bland. It was an eleven hour flight. The first meal was served just after we got into the plane, the 2nd meal was breakfast at 2am South African time. Breakfast was good, as we were starving by that time! We had sausage, omelette, fruit and juices. We couldn't see the flight map the whole trip, and when pointed out a cabin crew member said he'd reset it, but that never got it on. Out of the 6 seats we had, 4 of the consoles worked properly. The movies had lousy selections. The sunrise at about 5am as were approaching OR Tambo was really beautiful. Nobody in the plane was required to fill in an international arrivals form for entering South Africa (which was required when we went to New Zealand and Australia). After the plane landed, we collected our baggage and went through customs - all went smoothly. In fact, our experience was that at Australian and New Zealand airports the customs are far stricter - in South Africa we easily walked through. Written by

Sleeping at Perth Airport before an SAA flight to Johannesburg

East London to OR Tambo

2013-11-17 : Rating 5 /5 : My first flight experience and only flight experience up to now, was last year. I flew from East London to O R. Tambo. It was the most exciting experience of my life. I took a bus to East London and flew back home. I flew with SAA and I felt like royalty. The food was good, the service was excellent. Everything was just divine. The experience gave me a huge smile and it lasted me for a long time. Written by

Wheelchair Passenger

2013-10-04 : Rating 5 /5 : I sprained my ankle on an afternoon of adventure at Grahamstown in June. I could not walk the closest to walking was limping I got to the airport just in time for my evening flight to OR Tambo. I asked for assistance at the self service check-in and the Officer efficiently assisted me, in no time I was on the queue to check-in my luggage. This was my day of being given a great customer service because I got an efficient service as well when checking in my luggage. I told the Officer who was assisting me of my condition. He was quick to book a passenger support service and in no time I was wheelchair driven. As an able body person, you never get to see the countless efforts that are put towards giving a dignified and efficient service to the physically challenged passengers. After boarding I was taken to a specially customized truck that accommodates wheelchairs. Everything was efficiently done as they did not have to lift me. They pressed a button on that truck and I was lifted along with the Passenger Support Officer to the level of a truck which was half a meter from the ground. The truck is very spacious and it can accommodate more than 10 people seated with their wheelchair folded. Since I was the only one on the truck I did not have to sit on the chair, I remained on my wheelchair. The truck took me to where the plane was. Since I was not able to climb the stairs. I had to use the entrance that is used by Flight Attendance to receive the in-flight refreshments. The truck driver was given a signal when the entrance was clear for use. Once again with just a push of a button I was lifted to the entrance of the plane effortlessly whilst inside the truck. When we got to OR Tambo there were two Passenger Support Service Officers who were waiting for me by the plane exit. One assisted me to sit on a wheelchair and the other one collected my luggage. My luggage was clearly marked with a "priority" sticker to enable the Officer to spot it from far. I then requested to be taken outside the arrivals at the pick-up spot where I waited for my driver who was running slightly late. The Officer was with me all the time and when my driver finally arrived she assisted me to get into a car whilst the driver put my luggage in the car. Written by

Priority baggage on an SAA/Star Alliance flight

Durban to Johannesburg

2013-08-12 : Rating 5 /5 : I had never had the experience to fly. Then my husband got a project in Lesotho and I did not have a choice but to save money to book a flight in order to see my husband. My first experience was awesome and it felt beyond anything, my first trip was to Durban, I flew with Mango to Durban and SAA back to JHB and all the staff were so helpful, as I did not know how to do anything. It was so convenient to book my flight at a Checkers. At the airport everybody was helpful to get me on my flight to Durban. Even on the flight the staff were helpful and I never once felt unsafe. We flew over the ocean and that was a wow before we landed where I could see my husband. The second time was easier I even booked my own seat which is also very nice, as I could choose my favourite spot the window. It is such a great experience and thank you OR Tambo. It makes travel so much easier and every month I can use one of your airlines to see my husband who works in Lesotho. Thank your for your great staff who are so willing to help one and make it so much easier and all the shops that can be visited while you are waiting. Even the special prices that makes it so much easier to fly. Written by

Up, up and an SAA

2013-06-08 : Rating 5 /5 : Out of breath running across the airport looking for the right check-in desk…"they can certainly make airports more user friendly" in my head, "or I could have just tried getting here on time…but anyway, this is not how I imagined my first flight", as I pace in between crowds trying to find my way but maintaining that whole "I know where I'm going, I'm a frequent flyer who's just late for her flight, these things happen...You know, even in the movies" kind of look, when truth was, the only place I've seen "these things happen" was, in fact, in the movies! Luckily one of the guards saw through my theatrics and helped me find my way. "Hey", I thought, "I've been saving for this trip, it wouldn't have been memorable if it went without hitches." My flight boarded at 13:15 as planned, I don't have enough money to splurge, I had to ask a friend for a lift to the airport, which was the main reason I almost missed the flight, But I'm here now, not sure how this whole thing will go but I was flying with South African Airways so I heard you don't pay for the snacks, perfect! Sitting in the aisle because I checked in late did take away from the whole experience. Remember, I only saw people flying in movies so I imagined that I would be sitting next to a window and watching as the aircraft lifted off; but hey, next time I just need make sure that I check-in on time and request the window seat. I strapped myself up, safety belt nice and tight, and then concentrated on the flight safety video, thinking, in just 2 hours I would be out of Cape Town and in Johannesburg, sounded too good to be true. I have a thing of falling asleep when I travel, I was fighting that urge so hard, going through the magazines they provide for entertainment and reading the safety booklet…still keeping the "cool cat" act but sleep got the better of me so there I was, dosing off…woken up by the clutter of what sounded like crockery, only to notice that it was just the cabin crew dishing out the snacks I was anticipating. Even though I was told that these were free I still needed to be sure that I don't eat and have to pay later because if that was the case I would just ask for water and go back to my sleep. I whispered to the guy sitting next to me, "Is it true that I don't have to pay for the food" he looked at me and smiled, "Yes it's true" he responded, "You must be used to flying with Mango, South African Airways is different to them". Just there I couldn't contain the excitement, I leaned towards him and told him this was my first flight, he smiled and said "well this is the smoothest you'll get". I smiled and looked away not knowing what he just said meant. There was something about the cabin crew, they seemed so calm while walking up and down the aircraft and it's something I admired, thinking I would not be able to even walk to the lavatory while the plane was flying, and to think I had dreams of being a flight attendant. They got to me and offered me something to drink, I had juice and then they started dishing out the sandwiches, which tasted too divine, whole wheat brown bread with slices of cheese, rocket, tomato and beef pastrami, with a chocolate mud cake for a treat. I looked around at people who flew on a regular basis and wondered how they got used to this. For me it was a great experience, best two hours of my life minus not sitting next to the window, but still, this memory is at the top of my top 5. The smiles on the attendants' faces when they served you, made me feel more than your average Joe, I felt like I was a business lady and I was just a 20 turning 21 year old student in economy class…I could get used to this feeling. Finally, we landed; there was a bit of a shake there and thought "slight turbulence" oh how I was anticipating this feeling. Off we loaded and onto the buses that the airline had organized to take us to the actual O.R Tambo airport, I was savoring every moment and wishing it wouldn't end there. Off the bus I hopped and back on my "cool cat" stride to pick up my luggage. Then I saw my father with a card that read "Yonela Mtyobile" and I smirked, he's always supported my dreams and accepted that I was a sucker for living like I was in a movie. My heart pounded and I couldn't wait to get to him and talk his ear off about my first flight experience but instead when I got to him I said "I had a great flight". Words seemed to fail me and of course when I flew back to Cape Town, there were some slight delays but that did not take away from their great service. That was 5-star treatment - I will never forget it. Written by

Flight Routes

& its partner airlines (Airlink, Emirates, SA Express & Mango) offer flights on the following routes to Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo International Airport:

  • Abidjan to Johannesburg

  • Accra to Johannesburg

  • Addis Ababa to Johannesburg

  • Antananarivo to Johannesburg

  • Bangkok to Johannesburg

  • Beijing to Johannesburg

  • Beira to Johannesburg

  • Blantyre to Johannesburg

  • Bloemfontein to Johannesburg (codeshare with South African Express)

  • Brazzaville to Johannesburg

  • Buenos Aires to Johannesburg

  • Bujumbura to Johannesburg

  • Bulaway to Johannesburg
  • Cairo to Johannesburg

  • Cape Town to Johannesburg (codeshare with SA Express & Mango Airlines)

  • Cotonou to Johannesburg

  • Dakar to Johannesburg

  • Dar es Salaam to Johannesburg

  • Douala to Johannesburg

  • Dubai to Johannesburg (codeshare with Emirates)

  • Durban to Johannesburg

  • East London to Johannesburg (codeshare with SA Express)

  • Entebbe to Johannesburg

  • Frankfurt to Johannesburg

  • Gaborone to Johannesburg

  • George to Johannesburg

  • Harare to Johannesburg (codeshare with SA Express)

  • Hoedspruit to Johannesburg

  • Hong Kong to Johannesburg

  • Kasane to Johannesburg

  • Kigali to Johannesburg

  • Kimberley to Johannesburg

  • Kinshasa to Johannesburg

  • Lagos to Johannesburg

  • Libreville to Johannesburg

  • Lilongwe to Johannesburg

  • Livingstone to Johannesburg

  • London to Johannesburg

  • Luanda to Johannesburg

  • Lubumbashi to Johannesburg

  • Lusaka to Johannesburg

  • Manzini to Johannesburg

  • Maputo to Johannesburg

  • Maseru to Johannesburg

  • Maun to Johannesburg

  • Mauritius to Johannesburg

  • Mumbai to Johannesburg

  • Munich to Johannesburg

  • Nairobi to Johannesburg

  • Nampula to Johannesburg

  • Ndola to Johannesburg

  • Nelspruit to Johannesburg

  • New York to Johannesburg

  • Pemba to Johannesburg

  • Perth to Johannesburg

  • Phalaborwa to Johannesburg

  • Pietermaritzburg to Johannesburg

  • Pointe-Noire to Johannesburg

  • Polokwane to Johannesburg

  • Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg (codeshare with SA Express)

  • Richards Bay to Johannesburg

  • Sao Paulo to Johannesburg

  • Singapore to Johannesburg

  • Sydney to Johannesburg

  • Tete to Johannesburg

  • Umtata to Johannesburg

  • Upington to Johannesburg

  • Victoria Falls to Johannesburg

  • Vilankulos to Johannesburg

  • Walvis Bay to Johannesburg

  • Washington to Johannesburg

  • Windhoek to Johannesburg

  • Zurich to Johannesburg


  • 12 Dec 2013 : In the runup to President Nelson Mandela's funeral, SAA switches to larger planes on its East London to Johannesburg route.

Category : South African Airways

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