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Limpopo Province of South Africa

Named after the mighty Limpopo river, this is a land of majestic mountains, sparkling trout rivers, hot mineral springs, waterfalls, ancient forests & unspoilt wilderness. Limpopo is home to part of the Kruger National Park (the southern bit is in Mpumalanga). The province is also known as the "Great North".

Capital - Polokwane (formerly called Pietersburg)
Mother tongues - Sepedi 53%, Xitsonga 23%, Tshivenda 16%

top attractions
mineral wealth
flora & fauna
the People

Zimbabwe refugees flood over South Africa's border into the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Some get caught and sent back only to try again. They face an uncertain illegal life in South Africa. In this photo a pregnant woman scrambles under a barbed wire fence near Beit Bridge on 31 March 2007, she was one of a group of 20 Zimbabweans making their way to South Africa. Their next step was to brave their way across the flooded Limpopo River. Photo by James Oatway.




Limpopo tourism

Top things to do in the Limpopo Province

- Haenertsberg
- Kruger National Park
- Limpopo Transfrontier Park
- Mapungbwe National Park
- Modjadji Cycad Reserve
- Ndebele Culture
- Nylsvlei Nature Reserve
- Venda Art Route
- The Waterberg

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