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Car hire in Pietermaritzburg

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Public transport in Pietermaritzburg isn't fantastic, so unless you're getting chauffeured to your hotel and everywhere else, you'll want to hire a car! Major car rental agencies operating at Pietermaritzburg's Oribi Airport are Europcar, Avis, First Car Rental, Hertz and Tempest. In addition to their offices at the airport, Europcar and Avis also have offices in Pietermaritzburg's downdown area.

To get to the car rental agencies, on arrival after your flight to Pietermaritzburg, walk into the main building at Oribi Airport, and turn left down the passageway.

Use the car rental comparison tool on the right to find the cheapest car hire prices in Pietermaritzburg, or by asking for (free) personalised assistance from our travel consultants (scroll to the bottom of this page to ask for help).

List of agencies

Here's a list of car rental agencies in Pietermaritzburg, together with their contact details. Where the agencies have downtown offices, those contact details have also been listed.

Europcar Pietermaritzburg

Oribi Airport: 033-386-2077

381 Boshoff Street: 033-394-2728

Avis KwaZulu-Natal

Oribi Airport: 033-386-6101

10 Alan Paton Drive: 033-345-4601

First Car Rental Pietermaritzburg

Oribi Airport: 033-386-5252 or

Hertz Rent a Car

Oribi Airport: 033-386-6850

Tempest KwaZulu-Natal

Oribi Airport: 033-346-2551

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