Intercape JNB to CPT from R580*
To book the cheapest Kulula flights from Lanseria to Cape Town, use our travel voucher system to discount your airfares. To earn travel vouchers, simply email us a write-up of your flight, why you chose Kulula and how it went, and we'll send you a travel voucher.

Phone Numbers:
· Kulula Help Desk : 0861 585 852
· Kulula CPT : 021 936 9045/6

Unfortunately there is no direct number for Kulula at Lanseria.

Ask an agent! Our travel agents are itching to help you find the best Kulula deal.

Kulula vs Mango

Kulula Lanseria to Cape Town

Kulula offers flights from Johannesburg's Lanseria Airport to Cape Town International Airport. It's scheduled to take 2 hours and 5 minutes to cover the 1265km. The flight schedule is as follows - flights numbers (departure time):

  • On Sundays: MN481 (06h55), MN483 (07h30), MN493 (08h35), MN471 (13h45), MN461 (16h10), MN455 (19h00) & MN473 (20h45).

  • On Mondays to Fridays: MN451 (06h00), MN463 (07h55), MN457 (08h30), MN493 (09h35), MN453 (14h55), MN465 (17h10) & MN475 (20h00).

  • On Saturdays: MN481 (06h55), MN483 (07h30), MN493 (09h35), MN471 (13h45) & MN461 (16h10).

(if you're flying the other way, see our Kulula Cape Town to Lanseria flights page)

Flight review

22 July 2012. Variety is the spice of life, so although we'd flown to O.R. Tambo with 1time we returned to Cape Town from Lanseria with Kulula. On a sleepy Sunday afternoon we arrived at Lanseria Airport, and were revived by the sight of a Kulula check-in lady wearing a bright yellow flower in her air, which thrilled our 5-year-old daughter. We had carefully weighed our bags at home to make sure they were all below 20kg, and so this time didn't have to spend time on our knees repacking bags at the check-in counter :)

I do love Lanseria Airport - as a photographer what I appreciate most are the unobstructed views from the deck, where I took a few photos of Kulula's iconic planes. Here's their flying 101 plane, with instructions painted on the outside.

Kulula flying 101 plane

And here's the aircraft we flew in, Kulula's camoplane, and our daughter wasn't sure whether Dad was taking the Mickey when he told her it was labelled "No one saw us coming". We saw them coming, and it's not just from Lanseria's viewing deck where you've got good views - look at how close you are to the plane in the departures lounge:

Kulula camoplane from the Lanseria Airport lounge

The Camo-plane is a 737-400 and a cabin-crew member & I discussed the relative aerodynamics of the 737-800, which has winglets, versus the 737-400 (winglets are those raised edges on the end of the wings, which you can see on the flying 101 plane).

Kulula's camoplane at Lanseria Airport

You need to be a wannabe comedian to work for Kulula, as everybody expects you to crack jokes, and the cabin crew didn't let us down - I asked whether they do nappy changes, and was told that yes they do, it costs R2500 per minute, payment is upfront, and a minimum of 10 minutes must be purchased. Ah, good old Kulula humour - a tonic for any situation. Speaking of babies, they did well to place us behind another Mom and baby, as the little ones delighted themselves in peering over the seats and saying hello.

prohibited area under a Kulula plane

Kulula Europcar deal

Something I read in Kulula's inflight magazine: "When you book a Kulula flight to any destination in South Africa you also qualify for a special discount if you book your rental with us. In fact you can rent a car from as little as R204 per day* (rate relates to a one-day Group A rental & includes 200km free, standard damage & theft waiver, airport tax, tourism levy & VAT. Standard T&Cs apply), and if you're a Discovery Vitality member you qualify for even further discount. You could say an exclusive offer for Kulula passengers is just another way we keep moving your way."

Jukskei River

We took off from Lanseria Airport in a northerly direction, and banked to the port side around the often mighty, but now rather dry, Jukskei River. In the picture you can also see the Northern Farm Nature Reserve (also known as the Diepsloot Nature Reserve).

Jukskei River just north of Lanseria Airport

Blair Atholl Golf Estate

The Blair Atholl Golf Estate in Johannesburg was looking bone dry (as was most of Gauteng).

Blair Atholl Golf Estate in Johannesburg

Lanseria Airport

We then passed Lanseria Airport, at the bottom-right you can see Marlboro Drive (the R512).

Lanseria Airport in Johannesburg

News & History

  • 28 Oct 2008 : Kulula increases the frequency of its flights from Lanseria to CPT to 6 on weekdays & 5 on Sundays.

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