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Example: Inari Prinsloo did writeups of her trip to the Philippines and South Korea, and then cashed in her vouchers for a free domestic flight. |
Imagine saving up to R150 on your next flight! Just write about your flight, email your writeup to, and you can earn a travel voucher, which you can use to discount your next trip! Photos and videos are also welcome!
We love reading your feedback on flights! Depending on the quality and whether we decide to use your review on our website, we will award you with a travel voucher. The amount you earn can be used to discount your next booking with us. You may not submit more than 1 travel review over a 6 month period.
Even if you don't consider yourself a good writer, by including the following information you can write a pretty good flight review:
From where to where you flew.
Which airline you flew with.
Why you chose the airline you flew with.
How the flight was.
On a scale of 1 (terrible) to 5 (fantastic), how you would rate the flight experience?
Why you were travelling.
How the trip went.
Roughly speaking, we take the following into account when determining quality and whether we can use a review:
Interesting, vibey and absorbing material.
Information on flights, car rentals and cruises counts for more.
Grammatically correct english. No Whatsapp-language :)
Do your travel stories keep your friends on the edge of their seats? Or do you consider yourself a valuable source of information that other travellers might find useful?
If you feel that you are up to more than just a simple review of your flight, please consult us on possibly doing an article for our website. Whether it is a detailed article about a unique travel experience (hot air balooning anyone!?) or simply a write-up of memorable holiday filled with loads of useful tips, we'd love to hear about it!
For a longer travel review we can compensate you up to 50c per word and R50 per image, limited to 4 images and a 1000 words. Compensation is however up to our discretion depending on the value and the quality of the article.
You can however rest assured that if we deem your article valuable and entertaining to other readers, we would be more than happy to share it and compensate you accordingly!
Please note that we have the final say of whether we want to publish a review or article on our site. We always endeavour to post honest reviews and will never penalise writers for negative reviews!
We however don't share duplicate content or anything that is not up to our standard or in line with our image. Single-sentence reviews that don't justify the ranking given won't be shared either, as they hold little value to other users.
We only compensate for content which we have published on our site, with the value being at our discretion.
Vouchers have a set validity and will be specified when given. Vouchers not used before they expire will be forfeited.
With SouthAfrica.TO you can book flights to anywhere in the world, cruises anywhere in the world, car rentals anywhere in the world and accommodation in all cities.
The type of voucher that you will be awarded will depend on the review you sent us. Flight reviews are awarded flight booking vouchers (further divided between domestic and international flight vouchers), cruise reviews are awarded cruise booking vouchers and so forth.
We always specify the use and validy of each voucher when handed out, but please feel free to ask if you are uncertain!
By sending us material you give us complete ownership of the copyright thereof, and therefore permission to publish it. The material must be unique, i.e. not be published elsewhere.
Travel vouchers must be used as specified and before expiry. Each voucher can only be redeemed on one specific booking as specified, which will either be: flight bookings (to anywhere in the world), car rentals (anywhere in the world), cruises on at MSC Sinfonia, MSC Musica and international cruises; accommodation (anywhere in the world) and hot air balloon trips. Just make sure you book using the link provided with the voucher.
Flights will be discounted during the booking process when you enter the valid discount voucher number. The discount will reflect at the final payment step if the voucher was entered correctly. No error message will apprear if the voucher was not entered correctly, so the onus is on you to check this.
Cruise, car rental and accommodation vouchers might be used differently. If there is no step in the booking process that prompts you to enter the voucher number you can email proof of your booking to us, your travel voucher and your banking details, and we will refund you the value of your voucher.
So when you're up on your next flight, whip out your notebook, write a few lines and email it to us.