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BA's "Luxury Sale" starts on Wednesday the 6th June 2012. Book at British Airways. NOTE THAT THIS IS OPERATED BY COMAIR

Cruise news: We are getting a LOT of queries for the Huisgenoot Musiekvaart (music cruise). Please book soon to avoid dissapointment.

British Airways (Comair) "Luxury Sale"

Check out this BA special (operated by Comair) - fly on selected domestic flights between the following destinations from 18 June until 31 August 2012 one-way. Prices subject to change:

  • JNB to Durban 1-way from R491* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Durban to JNB 1-way from R491* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Durban to Port Elizabeth 1-way from R491* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Port Elizabeth to Durban 1-way from R491* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Port Elizabeth to Cape Town 1-way from R491* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 1-way from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • JNB to CPT 1-way from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • CPT to JNB 1-way from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • JNB to Port Elizabeth 1-way from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • Port Elizabeth to JNB from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • CPT to DUR from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

  • DUR to CPT from R684* (excluding airport charges of approximately R150)

Legal stuff

  • Sale starts 6 June until midnight 7 June 2012, or until seats sell out

  • Each flight ticket is for travel in one direction only and availability is limited

  • Flight tickets are available for travel between 18 June until 31 August 2012

  • Fares are inclusive of VAT and fuel levies but exclude airport related charges of approximately R150

  • Offer excludes group bookings, special events and flights over long weekends, school holidays and peak periods

  • Don't forget about your right to cancel any booking made as a result of receiving this email. You can cancel your purchase in writing within 5 working days of paying for the booking. Once notice to cancel has been received, we will refund you the price of the ticket less any credit card charges.

  • Forty Thousand (40 000) selected seats are available across the advertised routes

  • Standard British Airways flight terms and conditions apply

British Airways plane parked at Cape Town International Airport


Business Travellers note - from R235 pppn at Woodpeckers Inn in Johannesburg (50% discount)



We're human and the fact that the Dana Air crash was in an MD83 scared us a bit, but we've booked a 1time flight anyway, as we want to see what the planes look like without their front toilets! We also took advantage of the 1time-Avis package special.

The Purple shall rule! "I really appreciate your great newsletter and especially updates on upcoming flight specials. Being a regular flight bargain shopper myself I would like to share some insights. It appears that 1time has automatic random price increases and decreases (R100 to R200 each way). If you've searched for a flight on their website, wait 15 minutes and repeat (you might get a lower price). If the price has increased, don't panic and purchase, but give another 15 minutes and repeat. You should have your original price. Don't know if it's a glitch but worked for me. Another tip, use the pay later option as a "hedge-bet". It gives you 24-48 hours to look for a better rate and eliminates post purchase dissonance if an airline decides to run a special. Thanks guys and keep up the good work." Kind regards, Ette

Views expressed here aren't necessarily those of SouthAfrica.TO's. If you would like to get your opinions published, please email them to cheapflights@southafrica.to

Prices subject to change, perhaps even by the time you read this.
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