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Cruise news: Anybody wanting to take up the Honeymoon Cruise Special has to provide proof that it is within 6 months of the wedding, e.g. a wedding invitation (to somebody else - not necessary to invite us!)

For Malcolm...whose son is keen on flying to Thailand.

Bangkok Flights from R6582*

Malcolm, these are the cheapest flights to Bangkok (Thailand) from Johannesburg and Cape Town that we could find (if you want even cheaper email us a review of a recent flight and we'll send you flight discount vouchers to reduce the cost of your next one...including photos means bigger vouchers!). *Asterisks mean that the price could have changed.


Johannesburg to Bangkok

Cape Town to Bangkok

July 2013

R6646* (18 - 24 July)

R8992* (16 - 23 July)

August 2013

R6582* (30 July - 8 Aug)

R8992* (4 - 13 Aug)

September 2013

R6582* (10 Sep - 17 Sep)

R8992* (1 - 11 Sep)

October 2013

R6587* (30 Sep - 10 Oct)

R8992* (1 - 10 Oct)

November 2013

R7188* (31 Oct - 10 Nov)

R8992* (31 Oct - 10 Nov)

December 2013

R7188* (1 - 10 Dec)

R8992* (1 - 8 Dec)

January 2014

R7282* (22 - 30 Jan)

R9092* (20 - 30 Jan)

February 2014

R7282* (2 - 11 Feb)

R8992* (3 - 10 Feb)

March 2014

R7282* (2 Mar - 9 Mar)

R8992* (2 - 9 Mar)

April 2014

R7282* (31 Mar - 7 Apr)

R8992* (1 - 9 Apr)

Here's the flight path you'd be taking on most of the above flights...Emirates and Etihad dominate the market for cheapest fares on this route.

Shortest flight path from Johannesburg, Cape Town to Bangkok




Love this Michael Jackson Starwalker entertainment on an MSC Cruise (Divina). Starts 11minutes 28 seconds into the video.

Milestone! The Travel Zimbabwe community has reached 100 members :)

Check out this video about Africa's Big Apple - Lagos!

Yes, Croatia is now a member of the EU, BUT from a travel perspective it's still not part of the Schengen Area, so you need a seperate visa to visit the country (if all goes according to plan it'll join Schengen in 2015).

Email us a write-up of your trip & we'll give you a travel voucher (write more & share pictures for bigger vouchers):
A couple of years back my husband was asked to go work in East London for 2 weeks. His boss booked him on the 1st flight out, and we were more excited than him because he was the first one in the family to fly, something we could only dream of :) We arrived at the airport way too early just in case he missed his flight. Upon arrival we followed someone that looked like he knew what to do and booked him and his belongings in, we went for coffee and almost forgot about time with our eyes fixed on every plane that left and landed. Then I heard someone saying something about my husband over the intercom and every time I asked him aren't the people calling you he would reply "no why would they", until we heard loud and clear will mr ****** please board the plane, as you are delaying the flight. Everyone rushed downstairs kissed and waved as he disappeared behind the doors. We stood for a while and decided we would go back upstairs to see the plane leave. We waited and waited and waited for the plane to leave but the plane just stood there. I rushed downstairs to the desk and asked the lady when the plane to East London would leave. She looked at me shocked and horrified, then looked at her watch and said the plane just Landed in East London. We had a good laugh, and yes there are still people today that are in the same position as we were. Our airports don't cater for the first time flyers (smiling). Submitted by Jacqui  

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Following hot on the heels of the Seychelles' stunning achievement in becoming the first African country to achieve visa-free travel status for its citizens to visit China (hat tip to their government), Zimbabwe has said that it is working on the same. I'm hoping our Government is grafting hard, quietly behind the scenes to achieve visa-free travel to China for us South Africans. Until then, we'll just have to cough up for visas and try keep travel costs down by flying on the cheapest flights to China.

Unfortunately we've taken a step backwards with Senegal - South Africans now require a visa to visit the country :(